- ‘No country indeed’ (Trump in Asia), The Globe Post, 19 November 2017
- ‘What future for PNG economics students Findings from a graduate exit survey?’, Devpolicy Blog, The Development Policy Centre, Australian National University, 8 February 17
- Papua New Guinea economics graduate exit survey, Development Policy Centre, Australian National University, January 2017
- ‘Syria bombing risks a deadly escalation of conflict’, Policy Forum, Australia and the Pacific Policy Society, 17 October 2016
- PNG survey of recent developments, 2014-15, Development Policy Centre, Australian National University, (with Rohan Fox, Albert Prabhakar Gudapati, Stephen Howes, Win Nicholas, and Ani Rova), September 2015
- ‘The US wants us to bomb Syria for political reasons’, The Age (and Fairfax syndicates), 25 August 2015
- ‘Economics at the University of Papua New Guinea, 2015’, Devpolicy Blog, The Development Policy Centre, Australian National University, 3 July 2015
- ‘Essential Liberty’, Policy Forum, Australia and the Pacific Policy Society, 25 March 2015
- Managing Conflict in the Developing World – Essays from Emerging Scholars Vol. II (editor), December 2014
- Core team: Regional Perspectives on Aid for Trade, The Development Dimension, OECD, Nov 2014
- Situational Assessment on Aid for Trade, Public-Private Partnerships and Inclusive Business Opportunities in Australia, (with Don Jacobson and Santiago Sedaca),prepared by CARANA Corporation for the Food Systems Innovation Initiative [a partnership of CSIRO, ACIAR, and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade], October 2014
- ‘Moral dilemmas of war against Islamic State lack easy answers’, The Conversation, 1 Oct 2014
- ‘The Lesson from Iraq: Never Again’, New Matilda, 4 July 2014
- ‘Real liberals search in vain for a political party to call their own’, The Age (and Fairfax syndicates), 17 June 2014
- Market Assessment Report – The Australian Aid Market, May 2014
- ‘Debt crisis? The real crisis is in giving up on this country’s future’, The Age (and Fairfax syndicates), 21 May 2014
- ‘Contemporary Politics of Conflict in Aceh’, Peace and Conflict Monitor, United Nations University for Peace, 21 January 2014
- Managing Conflict in the Developing World – Essays from Emerging Scholars (editor), December 2013
- The Syrian National Coalition: At the Strategic Crossroads, 18 November 2013
- ‘The Politics of Economic Reform in Contemporary Indonesia’, East Asian Forum, Australian National University, 18 November 2013
- ‘When exceptionalism meets insularity’, The SAIS Observer, November 2013
- ‘Causes and catalysts of the civil war in Syria’, Peace and Conflict Monitor, United Nations University for Peace, 23 October 2013
- Core Team: Aid for Trade at a Glance 2013: Connecting to Value Chains, WTO and OECD, July 2013
- ‘Quest è il mio giardino!’, The SAIS Observer, May 2013
- ‘Global Governance – What would it look like, and do we want it’, The SAIS Observer, November 2012
- ‘Moving forward on regional integration in trade in services’, East Asia Forum, Australian National University, 17 May 2012
- ‘Services Liberalization in the ‘ASEAN Plus’ Free Trade Agreements’ (with Christopher Findlay), ASEAN+1 FTAs and Global Value Chains in East Asia, ERIA Research Project 2010 No.29, Economic Research Institute of ASEAN, April 2012 [full Project Report here]
- ‘The Role of Mediation in International and Intra-national Conflict’, The Arbitrator and Mediator Journal, Vol. 30 Number 2, October 2011
- ‘Aid money should be concentrated in the region we know’, The Weekend Australian, July 2011
- ‘Cause and Effectiveness – assessing the report of the Independent Review of Aid Effectiveness’, Inside Story, July 2011 [reproduction here: ‘Aid: Cause and Effectiveness’, Issues in Society – International Aid (Excerpt), Vol. 334, 2012]
- ‘Why does AusAID rely on technical assistance so heavily?’, Interpreting the Aid Review [Blog], The Lowy Institute, February 2011
- ‘The Bougainville conflict – a classic outcome of the resource-curse effect?’, Peace and Conflict Monitor, United Nations University for Peace, 2010
- Andreas Bummel and Duncan Kerr [Michael Cornish: ghost-writer], Parliament for Humanity, Canberra Times, 27 September 2010
- ‘Nuclear Horizons’, South Australian Law Society Bulletin, Vol. 32 No.7, August 2010
- Impact Analysis of the AusAID Nias Reconstruction Program, Coffey International Development, January 2010
- ‘The Responsibility to Protect’, South Australian Law Society Bulletin, Vol. 30 No.2, March 2008
- ‘What’s in the Pipeline? The Water Quandary Facing the Eyre Peninsula’, South Australian Parliamentary Library, November 2005
Quotes in the media:
- Claudia Kissling, ‘The Legal and Political Status of International Parliamentary Institutions’, Committee for a Democratic U.N., January 2011